Enjoy The Pickleball Experience!

Are you ready to enjoy the Pickleball Experience?

LIPA Annual Membership is from June 1 - May 31.  Dues are not pro-rated.
Memberships paid June - October will renew the following May.
Memberships paid November - May are "Paid in full" through May 31 of the following year.

LIPA Membership provides you with monthly electronic newsletters, the ability to join in LIPA organized play, activities, events, and access to member only areas of the website. Unique emails are required for each member. This is an individual membership. No couples or family pricing is available. By becoming a member of LIPA, you agree to play under the guidelines and rules of the International Federation of Pickleball. You also agree to support and abide by all bylaws, published rules, expectations, and codes of conduct as established by LIPA.

Adult Membership Level - Please click on link to the Waiver of Liability form then check the agreement box after reading document. The checked box will be in lieu of your signature and indicates that you are 18 years old or older and have read, understand, and agree to the Member Participation Waiver of Liability.  

Individual - Adult - $30.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: May 15th
Your membership renewal date will be: 05/15/2026
No automatically recurring payments

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Lafayette, Indiana, Pickleball Association (LIPA)
LIPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Lafayette, Indiana

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